When the shoot season comes around, estates owners and managers should start to consider what shooting insurance is required – and what is available to help protect against all eventualities.

Any event in which the public is invited onto private land is likely to require shooting insurance and there are several areas to consider for an organised shoot.


1. Do you need Shoot Cancellation insurance cover?

Adverse weather conditions can often cause a shoot to be cancelled and result in significant financial loss. This eventuality can be covered – and insurance should be arranged in advance of the shoot season. The best policies can also cover against organised disruption.

Ensure your event and its participants are protected should your event need to be cancelled or someone suffers an injury

Event cancellation: Adverse weather and Organised disruption

Public Liability (optional): Individual member and Member to member

If your shoot is cancelled or an incident does occur, then our in-house team will work hard to ensure that any claims are dealt with quickly and with minimal inconvenience.


2. Do you have Public Liability insurance for any shoot on your land?

This insurance indemnifies the insured against accidents and injuries which take place on their property. The ideal solution is a product such as Member Liability, which will include all members of an organised shoot under one policy.


3. Do you have Employers’ Liability insurance?

This insurance provides cover for anyone employed on the shoot – for instance beaters and picker-uppers.


4. Have you considered Personal Liability?

This insurance is normally covered under home insurance when contents cover is provided – but it is important to check. It will indemnify the insured in the event they cause damage or injury to a third party on their property.

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